The last-minute scramble for Christmas gifts is upon us. Sure, you thought you’d have it all planned out – but somehow it never quite works out that way, does it? But never fear: I’m happy to offer a little help with a couple of stocking-size treats that are bound to please… well, almost anyone you know. Of that I am sure. Read more.
Tag Archives: dark rose for christmas
A Christmas Treat with Carol Ann Duffy and Friends
Review of our ‘Dark Rose for Christmas’ show at Manchester Metropolitan University in the online student magazine Humanity Hallows.
By Freddie Bruhin-Price
This week, at Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre, a sell-out crowd gathered for the final event of this year’s ‘Carol Ann Duffy and Friends’ series. This special Christmas evening included jazz, poetry and a performance from a group of musicians called LiTTLe MACHiNe. Read the full review here
Christmas cracker: Carol Ann Duffy teams up with Little Machine on festive album
Dark Rose for Christmas reviewed by Write Out Loud
Could poetry provide a Christmas hit this year? The poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, has teamed up with Little Machine, a trio of musicians that sets famous and contemporary poems to music, to create Dark Rose for Christmas – 10 album tracks of Christmas poems with musical settings. Little Machine have already added music to a number of the poet laureate’s poems – she has in turn dubbed them “the most brilliant music and poetry band in the world”. Read the full review.
Dark Rose For Christmas
LiTTLe MACHiNe Christmas album collaboration with Carol Ann Duffy.
‘Dark Rose for Christmas’ is now available to purchase from our online shop £12.99 plus p&p. The Album can also be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes and CD Baby.
With cover art designed by Tom Duxbury the limited edition CD is expected to sell out quickly so please get orders in fast. To find out more about the project and to receive alerts about the release and our Christmas shows with Carol Ann please subscribe to our newsletter.
Tracklist – click on the title link to hear before you buy
The Lineage
The Bee Carol
The Lord of Misrule
Christmas Eve
The Single Bed
The Mistletoe Bride
Dark Rose for Xmas
Oh Hogmanay