Harper’s Bazaar’s Erica Wagner on Dark Rose for Christmas

The last-minute scramble for Christmas gifts is upon us. Sure, you thought you’d have it all planned out – but somehow it never quite works out that way, does it? But never fear: I’m happy to offer a little help with a couple of stocking-size treats that are bound to please… well, almost anyone you know. Of that I am sure. Read more.

Christmas cracker: Carol Ann Duffy teams up with Little Machine on festive album

Dark Rose for Christmas reviewed by Write Out Loud

Could poetry provide a Christmas hit this year? The poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, has teamed up with Little Machine, a trio of musicians that sets famous and contemporary poems to music, to create Dark Rose for Christmas – 10 album tracks of Christmas poems with musical settings. Little Machine have already added music to a number of the poet laureate’s poems – she has in turn dubbed them “the most brilliant music and poetry band in the world”.  Read the full review.