It was TS Eliot’s birthday on Thursday. He would have been 125, LiTTLe MACHiNe’s Walter Wray reminded the audience at Rhythm and Muse, a regular poetry open mic and music night at the Ram Jam Club, in Kingston, south-west London. Read more
‘Madam Life’
LiTTLe MACHiNe on BBC News
Our very own Chris Hardy’s latest collection is out now!
Chris’s collection ‘WRITE ME A FEW OF YOUR LINES’ is published by GRAFT POETRY,
Order a copy here
Here’s what they’re saying about it…
CH is the ideal poet as observer. Whether writing about foreign parts or reporting on what could be called the home front, his poems are not those of a distanced, disinterested onlooker. Instead, his gaze, exact and almost painterly is warmed by a regard now tender, now wryly witty, one that’s well served by a keen ear and a sure-footed sense of how to pace a line and indeed a whole poem. ‘Write Me A Few Of Your Lines’ is an intensely enjoyable collection.
(Prof. John Lucas, Shoestring Press).
Chris Hardy does a good line in titles, as often as not providing a tantalisingly ironic hint at what is to follow. And, in this substantial collection, what follows proves to be extraordinarily varied, though the poet’s voice is a measured, consistent one. There are poems in which a sense of place is seemingly effortlessly evoked, often through recourse to tiny, telling details. Others reflect on experience gained over the years, offering insight and sometimes wisdom.
(Jeremy Page, The Frogmore Papers).
Video – Live @ Wenlock 2012 – “Mediocritie in Love Rejected”
Interview with North London Reading Group
Why LiTTLe MaCHiNe are building a following with London’s booklovers by turning great poems into great tunes. Read more
Famous poems set to music
“The most brilliant music and poetry band in the world”
Carol Ann Duffy
“Little Machine’s sophisticated way with poetry made me fall in love with old favourites and new ones all over again. They sing, strum, beat, get you tapping your feet, make you laugh and break your heart, every word sung clear as a bell. I swear the Bard himself has joined this band.”
Gillian Clarke