Here we are, full of mince pies and beer, performing our setting of Shelley’s sonnet at the ram Jam Club in Kingston. This was recorded by Peter Francis at the Rhythm & Muse Christmas Special, December 18, 2014. Unfortunately Steve is out of shot but his piano comes through loud and clear.
Author Archives: Walter Wray
More videos
Here are a few of our videos, there are more to be seen on our YouTube Channel and our Vimeo page.
Adlestrop 100 years on
There seems to be some dispute over whether Edward Thomas’ unscheduled stop at the small station in Gloucestershire happened on June 23rd or 24th 1914. The UK Poetry Society reckon it was the 23rd and we composed this setting as part of their celebration of the occasion. It was filmed ‘live’ on an iPad but we’re pretty pleased with the quality.
‘Madam Life’ reviewed by Words About Songs
Andy J Cash’s review of our album on his Words About Songs blog (May 21 2014)
“Many musicians strive for those perfect lyrics, agonise for hours over a half-rhyme or try to fit their words into a rhythm. A lot of these give up in their pursuit of lyrical impeccability and fill in the gaps with oh’s and nah’s…” Read more
This is LiTTLe MACHine (EPK)
Write Out Loud – review of our Rhythm & Muse show Aug 26
It was TS Eliot’s birthday on Thursday. He would have been 125, LiTTLe MACHiNe’s Walter Wray reminded the audience at Rhythm and Muse, a regular poetry open mic and music night at the Ram Jam Club, in Kingston, south-west London. Read more
Carol Ann Duffy & LiTTLe MACHiNe at Stratford Poetry Festival – Review
Here’s a review of the show from ‘Lit Blogger’ Joe Sale
On Sunday night of the 30th of June I attended the opening night of the 60th Stratford Poetry Festival, a night which would consist of two performances; one from Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, and the other from LiTTLe MACHiNe, a phenomenal poetry band that have set the great poetry of many eras to music, with astonishing results. Read more…